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Children's Ministry

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Everyday we are hammered with social media, terrible life occurrences, extreme opinions, fake news and what the world expects of us.  All of that information is being thrown at our children from every angle starting before they go to VPK (voluntary pre-kindergarten) and long before they reach an age where they develop critical thinking.


To a child everything they hear and see is real and truthful. They get it from school, friends, TV, YouTube and video games. They even get bombarded by the ads that pop up when they are playing a game on an iPad.  Have you seen some of those ads?

The Difference Between Right and Wrong
Wouldn't it be great if your children had friends who shared your values? Crossroads Chapel Palm Harbor teaches that Christian values are not just a bunch of  random ideas that should be followed. We teach that Christian values are a way of life that was meant to be followed for your own benefit. Wouldn't you like your child to learn that the Ten (10) Commandments are much more than ten (10) suggestions?

The bible tells us to "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6.

At Crossroads Chapel Palm Harbor we believe that to be true.

Children's Ministries:

Every Wednesday evening from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm, and Sunday mornings from 10:00 am until noon, Crossroads Chapel offers different children ministries based on their age from P-K to Teen for those attending the church services.


Nursery:      Ages Newborn - 2

Go Ye's:      Ages 2 - 5 

Halo:           Ages 5 - 11

Youth:         Ages 12-18


Come on in, sit in a class and see what your child might be missing...


Crossroads Chapel Childrens Minsitry - More Than Friends

Build Life Long Friendships

Socializing with peers and getting out of the house and away from the ipad/tv is a great first step to meet new friends

Childrens Outting Fire at the Beach - Crossroads Chapel Palm Harbor

Family Gatherings

The family that prays and plays together stays together. 

Childrens Ministry - Slip and Slide - Crossroads Chapel

Group Fun AND Games

Learning how to get along and bond with others is an important step in a young person's development.

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